На спойлер не тянет.
Emma’s aptitude for magic is another important development in that family dynamic, and Horowitz previewed that it will be “a change for her and for her perception of everything about her family and where they came from and that world.
And Rumple, seeing that in her has lit a fire in him as well, and her affinity for magic will continue to play a part in how the season progresses and where she ends up this year.”
Кто о чём, а я, понятное дело, о Румпеле. Мало того, что мне просто страшно интересно, какого рода этот огонь, так вообще сам факт, что с нашим самым упорно не поддающимся никаким воздействиям происходят какие-то изменения изнутри… на данный момент мне даже не так важно, в какую сторону (о чём я, разумеется, ещё запросто могу пожалеть)…
ТОННА всего о Голде (включая Нила, Белль и, видимо, Лэйси)Still, Rumple has more than enough to deal with from his reunion with his real child, Bae, now a grown man and a father himself. "The sad thing for Gold in relation to his son is he's got nothing to offer. I thought the saddest thing about 'Manhattan' was when I said, 'I can turn the clock back and make you 14 again.' That's all he's got," Carlyle said. "And it's very typical of Gold that whenever he gets close to some kind of resolution in his life, he messes it up. But is he messing it up because he doesn't know how to do it, or is he messing it up because he's incapable and still is holding on to this lust for power? I think it's the latter, personally, but I don't know ..."
His relationship with Belle, however, may have a glimmer of hope on the horizon, after Rumple's heartfelt phone call seemed to touch something within her. "We're at Episode 19 [in filming], and he visits her in the hospital and says to her, 'I'm sorry if I disturbed you with that call, and I know you don't remember me, but my feelings for you are true -- I needed you to know that in case I die,'" Carlyle previewed. "She says, 'I could tell your feelings were real.' He says, 'You could? You remember me?!' and she says, 'No, but I know that we knew each other.' So that's the beginning of some other part of the journey."
And de Ravin agreed, "There's no memory but there's also been the connection of him coming to see her, which has been disturbing, but she also realizes that somebody wouldn't do that unless they actually really cared about you ... I think this phone call is a bit of a change in their relationship as far as her really realizing how much he cares, and thinking, 'wow, is that really me [he's describing]?'" The actress also teased what we might see in Episode 19, saying, "You learn a lot about both of us, separately and together, and there's some really cool changes that people won't expect. And she's out of the hospital!"
Both those connections will play an important part in upcoming episodes, Kitsis promised: "Rumple has two things this year, he has his need to be a better man for Belle and his need to be a better man for his son, and he right now is dealing with his son and the repercussions of that, and Belle is unfortunately no longer remembering who she is, so he's got a lot to deal with emotionally. What happens to Belle and their relationship will be a surprise for people."
The fact that Bae/Neal now connects the Charming family to Rumplestiltskin will cause plenty of problems, as well as offering its share of character growth. As Dallas pointed out, "It creates a really interesting dynamic now, because he is The Dark One, he is the most powerful, most evil thing that could possibly walk in their land or in any universe, but now he is family. It makes it different. As David says, Thanksgiving will be very interesting."
However, as we saw in "Manhattan," the Seer's prophecy predicted that the boy who led Rumple to his son would also be Rumple's "undoing," which probably means that any grandfather/grandson bonding between Rumple and Henry is off the table.
Carlyle admitted, "It's really difficult now, because the Seer points [Henry] out, so that's what's going on in Rumple's head, thinking, 'This must be who she's talking about.' So he tries to remove himself entirely, doesn't want to go near him, actually throws him out of the room at one point. So it's very complex, that relationship. I can't say too much more about it apart from, Henry's in danger now."
"But depends if you think "undoing" means bad!" Horowitz laughed.
"For us, that was the greatest thing, because he gets that prophecy and he goes 'who cares?' But it's a big 'who cares?' when it's your grandson, and that was why we originally, when we came up with it last year, had the idea of making Bae Neal," Kitsis said, "So that gets played out this year, absolutely. This year we really wanted to use the beginning of the year to set up these big emotional stakes and dig deep into them."Нилфайер, которого развивают во все стороны (кэптенсвон горько плачет?)Neal's arrival will naturally cause a dilemma for our guarded heroine, something that Morrison admitted she was looking forward to. "What's great about the stuff with Neal is that it always takes Emma off-guard. For me, Emma's the most interesting when she's taken by surprise because she doesn't have time to make a decision and a plan about how to keep her guard up and how to protect herself," she explained. "So you get to see little cracks in her armor and you get to see the little girl that's still inside her in those moments. He definitely brings it out in her because it's one surprise after another with him. She certainly is not looking at it like 'oh, I just want to have this big happy ending with this person.' She's probably not even being honest with herself in terms of what she really feels about [his fiancee] Tamara, she's like 'well, it was 10 years ago, why do I care?' So it's something where it's definitely going to take time for her to even start processing her own feelings about all of it."
And as we learned in "The Queen is Dead," Neal also has a past with Hook (Colin O'Donoghue), as well as experience sailing pirate ships -- which certainly explains how someone several hundred years old can look so good. "There's a history between those two and that is one that we intend to explore before the end of the season," Horowitz promised.
"It is worthy of its own story, so to us, that feels like finale time," Kitsis agreed. Just as well that the two-part season finale is titled "Second Star to the Right," "And Straight On 'Til Morning."зде©ь больше, гораздо больше
Я уже не знаю, после прошлой серии, не идиотизм ли это, но всё продолжаю надеяться. Особенно на то, что БеБэ сами послужат альтернативными костылями для начала, а потом он сам ходить научится.
Интересно, это стоит рассматривать, как "истину в последней инстанции", или просто "Бобби так видит"?
Это традиционное распределение ролей между Робертом и Эмили. У неё - сплошь пони и радуги, у него - ангст и безнадёга, причём, когда они говорят об одном и том же. После "Крокодила" мы долго хватались за головы, а теперь больше веселимся.
Там ещё в самом конце полтора абзаца Крюку посвящены.
Это традиционное распределение ролей между Робертом и Эмили. - Уфф, а я уж было скуксилась. То есть, он, конечно, всегда про personally не забывает добавить, но я некоторый пиетет всё равно испытываю, потому что САМ Р.К. сказал!
Вот поэтому мы сначали и хватались за головы, переживали, не знали, кому верить.
Ho нужно сказать, что если Роберт перегибает слегка, то Эмили иногда, такое ощущение, какой-то свой собственный сериал смотрит.
каждому свой кусочек пирога
что нам вроде усиленно обещают
нельзя верить всему, что говорят создатели сериала, они коварны
но замут может неплохой получиться.
особенно, Голд, ходить по граблям с упорством, достойным лучшего применения.
мне интересно, голд приложит руку к освоению эммой магии? просто он упорно действительно учит дамочек магии, а потом сам же получает за это...
Там ещё в самом конце полтора абзаца Крюку посвящены.
вот это спасибо, пойду почитаю
Прелестно, а до тех пор он аж на две серии забудет о ней или Реджина устроит такую бучу, что Голду останется только усиленно разгребать ее вместе с Чармингами? Ведь, судя по фоткам, где они с Дэвидом, Нилом и Генри (у Голд+Белль вроде были не так давно?), Голд явно собирается влиться в семейку. Или это они на съемках прикалывались?
Он же уже вовсю прикладывает. Сначала практически заставил дрим-кэтчером воспользоваться, потом объяснил, как заклинания накладывать. Обучение семимильными шагами идёт, я бы сказала. Да и Эмма не отстаёт. Сначала была напряжена и испугана, а теперь такие лица делает… Боюсь, без урока тут не обойдётся.
Я очень надеюсь, что Нил - НЕ Питер Пэн, поскольку мне очень нравится Нил (несмотря на недостатки
в лице Тамары) и совсем не нравится Питер Пэн. Пусть будет просто Потерянным Мальчиком, он отлично подходит.Тоже мне, неожиданность!
Ho пока что можно надеяться, что, как со времени "Аутсайдера" прошло не больше недели (а скорее меньше), так и между исцелением и визитом пройдёт совсем немного времени. Полдня, скажем.
Нам, как голодающим зрителям-шипперам, слабое утешение, конечно, но так хотя бы Голд её в долгий ящик не отложит, раз уж это с ней без конца проделывают продюсеры.
Я очень надеюсь, что Нил - НЕ Питер Пэн - Я вот каждый раз думаю, что он по возрасту ни на Питера, ни на потерянных совсем не подходит, всё-таки он в... 13 или 14 в портал провалился? С другой стороны, когда это райтерам мешало?
аналогично, ПП никогда не был интересным для меня персонажем, а Пельмеша нравится, так что идея, что он просто один из, совсем неплоха
Сагонна со вчерашнего вечера кирпичами засыпается, как только прочла эти спойлеры. Не вызывает это все у меня оптимизма. Предсказуемо, да?